Quran Chapter
2-61a (Pt-1, Stg-1)(L-92) -درس قرآن
Command for going down to settled country
Surah ‘Al-‘Baqarah (The Cow)
– Chapter – 2)
In the name of Allah,
the Beneficent, the Merciful
61a. And
when ye said: O Moses! We are weary of one kind of food; so call upon thy
Lord for us that He brings forth for us of that which the earth groweth – of
its herbs and its cucumbers and its corn and its lentils and its onions. He
said: Would ye exchange that which is higher for that which is lower? Go down
to settled country, thus ye shall get that which ye demand.
Wa ‘iz qultum yaa-Muusaa lan-nasbira ‘alaa ta-‘aa-minw-waahidin fad-‘u
lanaa Rabbaka yukh-rij lanaa mim-maa tumbitul-‘arzu mim- baqli-haa wa
qissaaa-‘ihaa wa fuu-mihaa wa ‘adasihaa wa basali-haa. Qaala
‘atas-tabdiluunal-lazii huwa ‘adnaa billazii huwa khayr. ‘Ih-bituu misran-
fa-‘inna lakum- maa sa- ‘altum.
Misran – (the settled Country) Here, the
aim from misran is any city of peninsula Sinai or in its
surroundings. Literal meaning of Misr is a city; of which
demarcation would have been completed. However, it does not mean the
country presently “Egypt ”.
This incident was also happened in the
desert and wilderness of the Peninsula of Sinai . The Children of Israel used
to eat heavenly food ‘the Manna and the Quails’ with much taste for a long time
but they became weary of this food. Although these foods were being provided to
them free of cost and without labor. They said to their Prophet (peace be upon
Him), “O Moses! We are weary of one kind of food; so call upon thy Lord for us
that He brings forth for us of that which the earth groweth – of its herbs and
its cucumbers and its corn and its lentils and its onions”. They requested to
bring them towards some other place from this wilderness where all kinds of
city and country foods, vegetables must be available for them.
Prophet Moses (peace be upon Him)
admonished them; first of all; that their demand was not valid. The heavenly
food, which they were getting without working hard, it was much better than
those things which needed hard work. But the Children
of Israel resisted on their saying. Then Prophet Moses (peace be upon
Him) said, “Go and live in any settled city. You will attain there; the food of
your choice”.