Sunday, June 28, 2020

Enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong - Quran Chapter 9 – 71 (Pt-10, Stg-2) (L-1214) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 9 – 71 (Pt-10, Stg-2) (L-1214) - درس قرآن

Enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong

Chapter Tawbah (Repentance) – Surah – 9)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in Allaah from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

  وَٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنَٰتُ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَآءُ بَعْضٍ يَأْمُرُونَبِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ ٱلْمُنكَرِ وَيُقِيمُونَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَيُطِيعُونَ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥٓ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ سَيَرْحَمُهُمُ ٱللَّهُ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ 71

71.  And the Believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another. They enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey Allah and His Messenger. As for these, Allah will have mercy on them. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise.
71.  Wal-Mu’-minuuna  wal-Mu’-minaatu  ba’-zuhum  ‘awli-yaaa-‘u  ba’-z.  Ya’-muruuna  bil-ma’-ruufi  wa  yanhawna  ‘anil-munkari  wa  yuqii-muu-nas-Salaata  wa  yu’-tuunaz-Zakaata  wa  yutii-‘uunAllaaha  wa  Rasuulah.  ‘Ulaaa-‘ika  sayar-hamuhu-mUllaah.  ‘InnAllaaha  ‘Aziizun  Hakiim.


Characteristics of the Hypocrites and fixed punishments for them were explained, so now, on the contrary to them, the characteristics of the Believers and the distinguishing gifts for them are being described.

It is commanded that the Believers, whether they are men or women, they all have a particular characteristic mutually that they are protecting friends, condolatory and supporters one of another. They enjoin for those works, which are beneficial for the entire mankind, but forbid from those works, which lead the human beings unto the disasters. They remember God Almighty every time. And for God’s remembrance, they establish congregational prayer. They are not niggards; but pay the prescribed portion of their wealth as poor-due for the help of the needy and indigent people. They neither rebel, nor transgress and nor disobey, but bow their heads before the commands of God Almighty and His Messenger (SallAllaahu alayHi wa AaliHii Wasallam).

In short, every habit of the Believers is opposite to the Hypocrites. Therefore, certainly their consequence will also be totally opposite to them. God Almighty cursed the Hypocrites, whereas He will be Merciful on the Believers. Allah Almighty is Omnipotent and He will requite every individual according to personal (good or evil) deeds.

The Hypocrites were warned that they might not be saved from the wrath of God Almighty, because they know the consequence of the people like them have passed away before them. Therefore, they should learn from their circumstances. At the end, the Believers have been informed: You will be rewarded surely for that lifestyle which you adopted during your life time. In addition, the biggest reward for you will be that God Almighty will be content from you. And you will be away from His wrath and curse for ever.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

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